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Will and Testament

Administration of The Presbyter Don Antonio José Martínez


Intro and comments | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Appendix | Funeral Honors

Part 3

Administration of the Presbyter Antonio José Martínez

Next, the Inventory

The Inventory is as follows:

This inventory, begun on September 16, 1867 A.D., lists the properties of the recently deceased,

Presbyter Antonio José Martínez, who resided in Taos County.

The residential home in the plaza of Don Fernando de Taos which consists of a small square with porches on the inside, ten rooms, three double-gated entries, one corral in back, two stables and one pigpen, together with doors, windows, keys, and padlocks.


4 rooms adjoining the west side of the house

María de la Luz Romero, in the same plaza of

Don Fernando

100 varas of farmland in Estiércoles, from the Río Lucero

to the Río del Norte

1 water-powered mill in Estiércoles

100 varas of land in Estiércoles quartered from the old ditch

below, to the arroyo west of the house and land of

Santiago Valdez.

300 varas of farmland in San Cristóbal

In that same place of San Cristóbal, an unmeasured

piece of land, from the place where the owners farmland

ends, to the begining of road that comes out of the mountain

100 varas of farmland in Des Montes that used to belong to

Felipe N. Maes
4 room-house on the abovementioned land

108 varas of farmland in Desmontes, adjoining that above-

mentioned and which belonged to Juan Albares

2 conjoined vegetable gardens in San Francisco del Rancho

measuring 17 yards wide.

63 varas of farmland, previously belonging to a Coca in

Don Fernando, Rancho del Campo Santo


Continued on the next page


Total from the previous page

63 more varas adjoining the abovementioned

50 varas of land farmland on the Ranch of Martín Maes

22 varas of land behind the Sister’s convent, chapel,

and cemeteries, and the house where they reside

to the arroyo on the West

30 varas, at an angle, behind the Montoya and Cardenas house

Hoofed Animals

13 breeding goats at $2.00
2 donkeys at 25.00
12 large oxen at 25.00
7 1 and 2-year old calves at 10.00
2 breeding Bulls at 25.00
4 breeding cows at 25.00

Animals under Partido and the contract terms-

16 breeding cows to be retuned by Victor Sánchez in

October of 1867
14 breeding cows to be returned by Joaquín Sandoval in October

of 1868
1 bull to be returned by the same (Sandoval)
10 breeding cows to be returned by Andrés Chavez in October

of 1868
1 bull by the same (Chavez)
2 breeding cows to be returned by Juan Andrés Chavez in the

year of 1870

and two small bulls in the same year
12 breeding cows to be returned by Nepomuceno Vigil in October

of 1868

2 bulls to be returned by Nepomuceno Vigil in 1867
8 breeding cows to be returned by the same Nepomuceno Vigil in

in 1869
4 breeding cows to be returned by Antonio José Chavez in

Oct. 1870
50 goats to be returned by Juan Antonio Cruz in 1867 at $1.50
60 breeding goats and one billy goat to be returned by Juan

Agustín Vásquez in 1871

Home Furnishings

1 painted bookcase with two doorframes and locks
1 fine quality bureau with a mirror on top

go to the next page
(p. 302)

Total brought forward from the previous page

1 large mirror with its own frame
1 large alarm clock withframe
1 small silver pocket watch
2 mirrors with gilded frames
2 “ “ colored,"
1 painted cot
1 table with drawer and cloth cover
6 chairs at 2.50 each
1 cushion,stuffed with feathers
2 wool cushions with printed cotton covers at 8.00
2 pillows with cases
2 surge twill rugs at 4.00
1 Used Saltillo serape
1 “ serape for steps(stairs)
2 used multi-colored blankets at 5.00
1 “ cotton "
1 ndigo (ikat) or tapestry/bedspread
1 square designs tapestry/bedspread
3 common serapes at 1.50
6 silver spoons
9 silver forks
1 shaving strop with razors, mirrors and 2 cases
1 silver carafe

silver from a chair
1 silver plate


1 Dictionary of Legislation by [Joaquín] Escriche
1 Latin Dictionary
2 Volumes of Canon Law by [Pedro] Murillo [Velarde]
9 “ of Mexican and Spanish Laws by Febero
4 “ of the Council of Trent in Latin
5 “ of Scholastic Theology [Gotti]
1 Volume of the Latin Bible
1 “ of Moral Theology
7 Volumes of Philosophy, Geometry and Latin Algebra in Latin

[Francois Para du Phanjas, Abbé/ S.J.]

3 Tomes of Sermons
10 " of the Dictionary of Philosophy


1 large trunk trimmed with iron, lock and key
1 “ “ “ “ “ " " " $25.00
9 used powder-muskets and two handguns
1 hoe
2 used metal shovels
1 used yoke of a cart
1 sieve

go to the next page
(p. 303)

Total from the previous page

1 forge bellows, anvil, vice, diestock, sledgehammer, [ordinary]

hammer, horseshoe hammer, a pair of tongs, and other

smaller items

The Oratory and its property

33 3/4 varas of land long, 21 1/4 wide in the plaza Don

Fernando upon whose land there are two Oratories and two

Cemeteries, the number of varas abovementioned is apart

from what is taken up by the walls

1 white classic vestment, with Alb, complete with other attire
1 Silver and gold pyx for the Viaticum
1 purple vestment, with Alb, complete with other attire
1 rochet or surplice
1 black vestment and cope, complete (with all atire)
1 white silk vestment, complete (with all attire)
1 chalice with everything (paten) and bag for safekeeping
1 pair of crystal cruets
1 “ “ silver "
1 small box with oils and other necessities for baptizing
1 small Roman Missal
1 silver hourglass with oils and stole
1 pitcher of calamine
2 wafer boxes, one to make hosts, and the other to safeguard them
1 chest that contains the vestments with lock and key
2 birettas and 24 linen maniples [finger towels]
2 new cassocks
4 breviaries, 1 Missal in Castilian, and 2 small manuals for

baptisms y burials
1 Turkish cloth (monks' cloth)
1 “ “ [monks' cloth] (muslin)
1 big bell
1 pitcher and lavabo dish of white china
1 mirror
14 paintings [Stations of the Cross]
1 cope, reliquary and altar stone
2 small bells
1 book rest
1 censer
1 table
1 bench


go to the next page

Note: error in addition of $82.00+ Actual total $9,345.10
(p. 304)

Total from previous page

1 painting of the Imaculate Conception
5 large portraits
4 statues
2 crystal candleholders
1 chandelier of China
1 small rug
1 altar table with side drawers
8 lampshades [sconses]
32 small lampshades [sconses]
2 candle-holders
1 chandelier with 16 candle-holders
4 lanterns
3 cross with processional candles
1 confessional with its chair
2 lamps
4 statues of [wooden] saints
1 tall processional cross and canopy
4 statues
4 crystal candle-holders
2 tin "
1 large altar stone
1 small “ “
1 tabernacle
1 pulpit with stairs
1 altar table, handrails and a small table
7 paintings with tin frames
1 painting of the Immaculate Conception

Actual Total

NOTE: original document had no final total. VMM

I have concluded this Inventory in Don Fernando de Taos on this 10th day of October1867 A. D.

Santiago Valdez (seal)

Administrator Pro Tem

of said property estate


The debts incurred to the Estate do not appear here because they have been recorded incashbooks and it will be necessary that the debtor be present for [debt] liquidation in


order to clear all debts.

At present there has been no time to do this and when it is done, it will appear as

continuation of this Inventory.

Santiago Valdez (seal)

Admin. Pro tem

We, the undersigned, duly certified evaluators, certify that the amount placed on said

items listed in the preceding Inventory is a fair and impartial valuation of the real estate

and personal properties of the estate of the Presbytery Antonio José Martinez, deceased,

and presented before us by Santiago Valdez, Administrator Pro Tempore

Done by our hand and seal in Don Fernando de Taos on this 28th day of October

1867, A. D.

Pablo Martinez (Seal)

Diego Santistevan, (Seal)


Presented, received, examined and approved in open Court this 4th day of November 1867

A. D.

Juan Santistevan, (Seal)

Probate Judge

I certify that the preceding Inventory has been literally copied from the original, by me on this 6th day of the month of Nov. 1867

Leandro Martinez (Seal)

Clerk of the Probate Court

Intro and comments

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


Funeral Honors

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© Todos derechos reservados: Fundación Presbítero Don Antonio José Martínez, y pertinente contribuidores.
